20 vegetable in French

20 most common vegetable in French

20 Most common vegetable in French Language

– les légumes

20 most common vegetable in French: In this lesson, we will learn about the names of most common vegetables in French Language with correct pronunciation and Hindi and English Translation. After learning this lesson you will be able to speak your favorite vegetable in French Language. In our daily life we use vegetable to eat but how to speak them correctly in French Language is the key. So, what are you waiting, just Enjoy the video along with the Vegetable name. If you like the post and video, plz do share it among your friends and relatives.


List of 20 vegetable in French

English French Hindi
Bell pepper le poivron शिमला मिर्च
Broccoli le brocoli ब्रोकोली
Cabbage le choufleur पत्ता गोभी
Carrot la carotte गाजर
Cauliflower le choufleur गोभी
Corn le maïs मक्का
Cucumber le concombre खीरा
Eggplant l’aubergine बैंगन
Celery le céleri अजवायन / अजमोद
Garlic l’ail लहसुन
Lemon le citron नींबू
Mushroom le champignon मशरूम
Onion l’oignon प्याज
Pea le petit pois मटर
Potato la pomme de terre आलू
Pumpkin la citrouille कद्दू
Radish la radis मूली
spinach l’épinard पालक
Tomato la tomate टमाटर
Turnip le navet शलजम

Note: Eggplant is also known as Brinjal in India and some Asian countries and Aubergine in French and other European countries. some vegetables may not be available in France. This video will surely help you to build your French Vocabulary.

20 Vegetables’ Name in French

les légumes

Watch On youtube : Vegetable in French

Also Learn : 20 Fruits Name in French

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